Wednesday, 22 February 2012

New Year, New Scams

With the price of gold being so high, we are finding more and more people coming in to scrap their unworn items - even single earrings or smaller, broken articles can command a good price.

But in amongst the genuine sales comes the occasional wheeler-dealer.  Twice we have seen the same brass signet ring, seemingly marked as 18 carat yellow gold, trying to be sold to us as the real thing.  Whilst a weighty item like that would be worth a good sum to the seller, a quick acid test soon tells us the truth!

So, our advice to any other local outlets in the scrap market - be vigilant against this scam!  But to our customers, please do bring us your unwanted gold jewellery and we promise to make the best cash offer we can based on the gold price that day!

Photo credit: 

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